By now, most employers have systems in place to organize and maintain emails that their employees send and receive. These systems are critical for business reasons and compliance purposes. However, many employers are ignoring or turning a blind eye to a growing means of workplace communication: texting.

A recent study by independent media regulator Ofcom confirmed what most employers are starting to see in their companies: 16- to 24- year olds prefer texting over voice calls and other e-messages. Also, 97% of this age group text at least once each day, whereas only 67% of this group talks on the phone daily.

Moreover, this demographic is part of Generation Y or Millennials (individuals born between 1980 and 1995), which is the fastest-growing segment of the American workforce today at almost 80 million strong, according to With the expected growth of Millennials entering the workforce and their preference for texting over emailing and phone calls, these workers pose several risks in the workplace for employers.

Find out what the challenges are and how to spot problems before they grow in a comprehensive review of the issue by nationally-recognized social media attorney Brian Lamoureux that was published in the Providence Business News on April 14, 2014, and available at

Source: It can pay to monitor workplace texting